MD Anderson Cancer Center Clark Clinic Renovations

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MD Anderson ambulatory treatment center waiting area

Thiel Design Group (formerly Courtney Harper + Partners) orchestrated the renovation, relocation and expansion of several clinics located within MD Anderson Cancer Center’s prominent mid-1970s Clark Clinic building. These clinics include the Ambulatory Chemotherapy Treatment Center (ATC), the Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC), the Infusion Therapy / Port Insertion Clinic (ITT), and the Apheresis Clinic.

A primary goal of the renovation was to create a patient-centric environment of care. The renovation of Level R2 consolidated the ATC into four treatment pods with a total of 74 private treatment rooms. Planning included combining four existing, disconnected building additions into one sunlight filled lounge / resource center, which offers an area of respite for patients and caregivers.

The treatment pods are thoughtfully designed with consideration given to convenient patient access and to staff workflow. Treatment rooms are clustered around central nursing stations with direct sight lines into the treatment areas. Treatment rooms are functionally zoned with discreet areas for providers, patients and caregivers.

R2 also houses the relocated and expanded Retail / ATC Pharmacy, which is situated to provide convenient pharmacy access to the adjacent treatment pods. Full compliance with current USP 797 regulations was accommodated with the renovation.